Dear visitor of this page,
Cost287-ConGAS is interested in creating an international network of people (researchers, artists, etc) whose interest is related to gestural audio interface.
The goal is to support communication and demonstrate that gestural control of audio systems is a widely followed and rapidly emerging research and application field. Please contact the delegate of your country, if you would like to hear more about Cost287-ConGAS.
The goal of the internet database is to facilitate access to research on Gestural Audio Interface, by providing a list of persons and projects in a standardized way. We do not intend to host longer texts or media files, but we encourage you to create your own page and to link this into the data base using the forms.
We affirm that the data is not used for any other purpose than the one stated.
We hope that the database is useful for the research community, e.g. by helping us all to find other people that are concerned with a similar problem, application, technique, etc.
Thank you for your collaboration!
Data submission forms

Click here to submit your data
(Institution and Scientist's data)

Click here to submit your project
(one entry for each project)