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The Cost287-ConGAS Action intends to contribute to the advancement and to the development of musical gesture data analysis and to capture aspects connected to the control of digital sound and music processing. Cost287-ConGAS is a COST-TIST action.

There are also a Gforge site, a WG1 website - maintained by French delegate Daniel Arfib - and a WG2 web site - maintained by British delegate Kia Ng - which are all related to Cost287-ConGAS activities.

You may participate actively to the Cost287-ConGAS action by subscribing to the ConGAS mailing list. You may find instructions here.

Coming Soon:

6th International Gesture Workshop GW '05

University of Bretagne Sud, Vannes
(Berder Island) - FRANCE
May 18-20 2005

Information and Call for papers at: http://www-valoria.univ-ubs.fr/gw2005/

Inside the Gesture Workhop 2005:

More details soon available

Next meetings: