Cost287-ConGAS-related scientific papers

The following ConGAS.bib file is available on the Cost287-ConGAS CVS:
   author = {Gibet, S. and Kamp, J.F and Poirier, F.},
   title = {Gesture Analysis: Invariant Laws in Movement},
   editor = {A. Camurri, G. Volpe},
   booktitle = {Gesture-based Communication in Human-Computer
               Interaction, 5th International Gesture Workshop},
   publisher = {LNAI 2915, Springer Verlag},
   year = {2004},
   pages = {1-9}
   author = {A. Camurri and B. Mazzarino and M. Ricchetti and
            R. Timmers and G. Volpe},
   title = {Multimodal Analysis of Expressive Gesture in Music
           and Dance Performances},
   editor = {A. Camurri, G. Volpe},
   booktitle = {Gesture-based Communication in Human-Computer
               Interaction, 5th International Gesture Workshop},
   publisher = {LNAI 2915, Springer Verlag},
   year = {2004},
   pages = {20-39}
   author = {M. Leman and V. Vermeulen and L. De Voogdt and
             J. Taelman and D. Moelants and M. Lesaffre},
   title = {Correlation of Gestural Musical Audio Cues
            and Perceived Expressive Qualities},
   editor = {A. Camurri, G. Volpe},
   booktitle = {Gesture-based Communication in Human-Computer 
                Interaction, 5th International Gesture Workshop},
   publisher = {LNAI 2915, Springer Verlag},
   year = {2004},
   pages = {40-54}
   author = {R. I. God\o y},
   title = {Gestural Imagery in the Service of Musical Imagery},
   editor = {A. Camurri, G. Volpe},
   booktitle = {Gesture-based Communication in Human-Computer 
                Interaction, 5th International Gesture Workshop},
   publisher = {LNAI 2915, Springer Verlag},
   year = {2004},
   pages = {55-62}
   author = {C. Lange and T. Hermann and H. Ritter},
   title = {Recovering Articulated Motion. Holistic Body Tracking 
            for Gestural Interfaces},
   editor = {A. Camurri, G. Volpe},
   booktitle = {Gesture-based Communication in Human-Computer 
                Interaction, 5th International Gesture Workshop},
   publisher = {LNAI 2915, Springer Verlag},
   year = {2004},
   pages = {132-139}
   author = {T. Hermann and T. Henning and H. Ritter},
   title = {Gesture Frame -- A Screen Navigation SystemGesture 
            Desk -- An Integrated Multi-modal Gestural Workplace
            for Sonification},
   editor = {A. Camurri, G. Volpe},
   booktitle = {Gesture-based Communication in Human-Computer 
                Interaction, 5th International Gesture Workshop},
   publisher = {LNAI 2915, Springer Verlag},
   year = {2004},
   pages = {369-379}
   author = {A. Camurri and B. Mazzarino and G. Volpe},
   title = {Analysis of Expressive Gesture: The EyesWeb Expressive 
            Gesture Processing Library},
   editor = {A. Camurri, G. Volpe},
   booktitle = {Gesture-based Communication in Human-Computer 
                Interaction, 5th International Gesture Workshop},
   publisher = {LNAI 2915, Springer Verlag},
   year = {2004},
   pages = {460-467}
   author = {B. Vines and M. Wanderley and C.Krumhansl and
             R. Nuzzo and D. Levitin},
   title = {Performance Gestures of Musicians:
            What Structural and Emotional Information Do They Convey?},
   editor = {A. Camurri, G. Volpe},
   booktitle = {Gesture-based Communication in Human-Computer 
                Interaction, 5th International Gesture Workshop},
   publisher = {LNAI 2915, Springer Verlag},
   year = {2004},
   pages = {468-478}
   author = {S. Dahl and A. Friberg},
   title = {Expressiveness of Musician's Body Movements in 
            Performances on Marimba},
   editor = {A. Camurri, G. Volpe},
   booktitle = {Gesture-based Communication in Human-Computer 
                Interaction, 5th International Gesture Workshop},
   publisher = {LNAI 2915, Springer Verlag},
   year = {2004},
   pages = {479-486}
   author = {D. Arfib and J.M.Couturier and L. Kessous},
   title = {Design and Use of Some New Digital Musical Instruments},
   editor = {A. Camurri, G. Volpe},
   booktitle = {Gesture-based Communication in Human-Computer 
                Interaction, 5th International Gesture Workshop},
   publisher = {LNAI 2915, Springer Verlag},
   year = {2004},
   pages = {509-518}
   author = {K. Hansen and R. Bresin},
   title = {Analysis of a Genuine Scratch Performance},
   editor = {A. Camurri, G. Volpe},
   booktitle = {Gesture-based Communication in Human-Computer 
                Interaction, 5th International Gesture Workshop},
   publisher = {LNAI 2915, Springer Verlag},
   year = {2004},
   pages = {519-528}
   author = {D. Cirotteau and G. De Poli and L. Mion and A. Vidolin 
             and P. Zanon},
   title = {Analysis of a Genuine Scratch Performance},
   editor = {A. Camurri, G. Volpe},
   booktitle = {Gesture-based Communication in Human-Computer 
                Interaction, 5th International Gesture Workshop},
   publisher = {LNAI 2915, Springer Verlag},
   year = {2004},
   pages = {519-528}
   author = {K. Hansen and R. Bresin},
   title = {Analysis of a Genuine Scratch Performance},
   editor = {A. Camurri and G. Volpe},
   booktitle = {Gesture-based Communication in Human-Computer 
                Interaction, 5th International Gesture Workshop},
   publisher = {LNAI 2915 - Springer Verlag},
   year = {2004},
   pages = {519-528}
   author = {M. Leman and V. Vermeulen and L. De Voogdt and A. Camurri 
             and B. Mazzarino and G. Volpe},
   title = {Relationship between musical audio, perceived qualities, 
   and motoric responses - a pilot study},
   editor = {R. Bresin},
   booktitle = {Proc. International Stockholm Acoustic Conference 2003 
   address = {Stockholm, Sweden},
   year = {August 2003},
   pages = {}
        title= {Proceedings of the \congas\ Symposium on Gesture 
                Interfaces for Multimedia Systems},
        note = {ISBN 1 902956 37 4},
        editor = {Ng, K.C. and Camurri, A. and Bernardini, N.},
        publisher = {The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence 
                     and the Simulation of Behavior},
        year = {2004},
        author = {Ng, K.C. and Bernardini, N. and Hunt, A. 
                  and Arfib, D.},
        title = {\congas: Gesture Controlled Audio Systems},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of Electronic Imaging and the Visual 
                     Arts (EVA London 2003)},
        publisher = {UCL},
        address = {London},
        month = {July},
        year = {2003},
        title = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Gesture in
                 Human-Computer Interaction and Simulation},
        address = {Vannes},
        editor = {Gibet, S.},
        month = {18--20 May},
        year = {2005}, 
        publisher = {Springer--Verlag},
        note = {forthcoming},