Events Archive

Cost287-ConGAS Transversal Working Group meeting

TWG1-book Meeting

June 13th-14th, 2005

Bielefeld University, Bielefeld (D)

Draft Agenda:

  1. Review of the role of the TWGs in the ConGAS book project
  2. Working practices for TWG group – i.e. how we should set up our operations to minimise the need for travel.
  3. Publishers and publication strategy
  4. Editing and editing strategy (review procedure)
  5. Overall book structure (table of contents - state of the art)
  6. Formal aspects regarding chapter submissions (content structure, references format, file form)
  7. Actions (names & deadlines) to move the project on.
  8. Deadlines and time-scale for the whole project.

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TWG2-web Meeting

June 16th-17th, 2005

Conservatorio Statale "C.Pollini", Padova (I)

Draft Agenda:

  1. Overview of how the web site is at the moment
  2. Overview/brief tutorial of tools being used in the current implementation
  3. Enumeration of criticisms received (particularly by our rapporteur Michel Ansorge)
  4. Discussion on how it should be improved: e.g. Should the website have a more interactive function, apart from being informative? Should we make a written document to be circulated among the ConGAS members to remind how information can be uploaded on the current website? Etc.
  5. Discussion about the implementation of the improvements
  6. Discussion of other tools to implement/put in place etc.
  7. Assignment of tasks :)
  8. Any other business

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