Cost287-ConGAS WG3 Meeting and
PD Educational Workshop
York, March 21-22 2005
University of York, UK
Workshop subject: How to teach and use PD educationally.
To share ideas about how to use PD, and specifically about how to teach it.
Contributions: |
"Manual de Introducciòn a PD" (in spanish) a "PD for Dummies" introduction to PD (looking for volunteers for the english translation!...) |
Draft Schedule
PD Workshop. March 21st, 9.30 am - 4.30 pm.
- 9.30 - 12.00, General introduction and Presentations.
Demonstrations (to be finalized):
- Sandra Pauletto: A PD/GriPD sonification toolkit
- Thomas Hermann: A comparison of PD and SuperCollider
- Andy Hunt: Introductory teaching slides for PD
- KTH: Demonstration of PD applications
- 12.00 am -1.30 pm, Lunch and informal discussion
- 1.30 pm -3.30 pm, Smallers groups to 'have a go' on some software.
- 4.30 pm, Closing discussion.
- 9.30 - 12.00, General introduction and Presentations.
WG3 meeting. March 22nd, 9.30 am - 4.30 pm.
Internal meeting of the Cost287-ConGAS Working Group 3