Events Archive

Cost287-ConGAS WG3 Meeting and
PD Educational Workshop

York, March 21-22 2005

University of York, UK

Workshop subject: How to teach and use PD educationally.
To share ideas about how to use PD, and specifically about how to teach it.

This workshop does not aim to teach participants how to use PD, but to discuss the patches, methods, literature, and lectures available for teaching it to others. Participants should already be familiar with PD to a certain extent, and have a need or wish to share this program with others.

Contributions: "Manual de Introducciòn a PD" (in spanish)
a "PD for Dummies" introduction to PD
(looking for volunteers for the english translation!...)
Draft Schedule
The Seminar is organized in coordination with the University of York.Read the PD workshop web page.